
Julia Thomsen, The Interview Series.

What inspired you to reimagine “Walking In A Dream” with guitar?

I had been inspired by fellow acoustic folk guitar artists from hearing their incredible sounds and felt that the original piano version would work well for a guitar version giving it a different feel to the original.

How did the collaboration with Strings Of Light come about?

Lawrence Libert originally approached me and we both loved what each one was doing and I loved his sound so we decided to come together to work on walking in a dream guitar. I sent him the original and he then recorded it beautifully adding a very special delicate touch to it.

What emotions or scenes do you hope listeners feel with this version?
Complete relax and wind down perfect for a summer backdrop. Morning sunrise or evening sunset.

How does “Walking In A Dream Guitar” differ from the original?

It is similar to the original but with a few subtle layers going through the piece and a beautiful ending. However, it changes the way you feel and what you can imagine – the original piano solo was a love song feeling while as the title says you feel like walking in a dream. Whereas the guitar version is more meditative.

Why is this piece a perfect addition to a summer soundtrack?

It makes you envision the warmth of the summer sunshine – the evening sunsets or early morning sunrise with cicadas in the background. Perfect for playing in the background with a meditative feel.

Photo Credit: Julia Thomsen.