What inspired the raw, vulnerable approach on “Watch Me”?
‘Watch Me’ was one of the first concepts I wrote for my second album, definitely 80s dance inspired. The message stems from my determination to prove the naysayers wrong and to be successful in the pursuit of my dreams. I absolutely love the production on this song. Shoutout to my producer, Electropoint, who really killed it with this one! This is definitely one of the dancier tracks on the album, which makes it even more fitting as an anthem of defiance and celebration.
What message do you want “Watch Me” to send?
I want my listeners to realize and understand that it’s okay to be different, and to live a life that goes against the grain. You can be yourself and still have everything you’ve ever dreamed of. For me, as a gay man, I still wanted to get married and have a family. Everybody said I couldn’t have that after coming out, and I just responded with “Watch Me.”
How did writing “Miserable Fck” help you process emotions?
I feel like every song I write is me processing my emotions in some way, shape, or form.
Specifically with ‘Miserable Fck,’ I was reliving an argument I’d had with someone close to me while also processing the fact that I, along with many of my generation, tend to paint a perfect picture on socials while secretly dealing with — let’s call it ‘darkness’ — alone, or behind the scenes. Everyone thinks I have it all, but if that’s the case, why do I feel so miserable at times?
That contradiction is something so many of us experience, but rarely admit to, and I wanted to put that raw honesty into the song.
I’ve come to realize that the more you obsess over what you don’t have, the easier it is to overlook and underappreciate all the great things you DO have. It’s really all about your perspective — think glass half full vs. glass half empty. Hopefully a change in perspective will keep us all out of the ‘Doom Loop.’
Have you ever felt silenced in your career?
Absolutely — Whether by the industry, social media algorithms, or even those closest to me, I’ve faced moments where I felt unheard.
I’ve felt silenced by the industry, when I’d go on countless casting calls and auditions, just to be rejected and feel as though I’m not good enough.
I’ve felt silenced by The Algorithm, for not allowing me to access a larger audience that so many other content creators seem to have found, and generated a genuine and long-lasting connection with.
I’ve felt silenced by my inner circle, whom have often discounted my music, even before experiencing it.
That’s really what “Shut Up & Listen” is all about. It’s about embracing self-expression and lifting each other up, always. Everyone seems to have an opinion, but only I have my story, and I choose to tell it through this medium. So STFU and listen! 😉
What can fans expect from the Watch Me music video?
There are many many layers to the ‘Watch Me’ music video. It begins in a chaotic toddler environment, where I’m tripping over toys and kids are crying in the background.
It’s apparent I need a break, so I lock myself in my room for what I like to call a “daddy timeout.” I put on my virtual reality headset and escape to my Pop star fantasy world. Cue the music, choreography, and leather chaps!
At its core, the video mirrors the song’s message: stepping into your own power and demanding to be seen for who you are.
Shoutout to my incredible choreographer, Amanda Arenas, and dancers — Laura Hertziesen, Tianna Brown, Maya Shah, and Joicy Yang — Y’all slayed! I can’t wait for the next one. 🙌🏼
Photo Credit: Thomas Cole.